Dear Reader, As it is said often, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Here I give a go at my idea for summarizing everything I read. Therefore, will be a place for you to get the-great-summary-of-everything I read from crap to possibly enlighting contents that could be of use for a long time; maybe till the end of our times. Since I've just begun the journey of seeking wisdom, I am guessing the first few of the-great-summaries are not going to be that 'great.' But persistence, patience, and after a thousand crappy summaries, I am hoping to end up with the right stuff--a way from useless and noisy news, blogs, magazines, and books to valuable content. Definition of valuable content: I believe what we consume should be of relevance and use at least for a few years and should help to improve our lives/minds. Therefore, trivial stuff, the status of the markets, statements of politicians, or a protest in a particular co...